Monday, March 24, 2008
I was supposed to go to work today but did not went to work in the end as I'm still not feeling well. I'm down with dry cough,blocked nose and occasional fever! ):
PD girl was really sweet last night! She came to visit me after work ! (: Thanks Darling! *Touched*
Well hope I'll be better tomorrow so I can continue working! Alright laterz!
Lin Hao at 3:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Work work !
i just came back from work! I had a long day of work today! Started from 7 in the morning till 9 at night! Work was as usual today, it was rather hectic but still manageable! (:
After we dock off , my friends and I were walking towards Dover Station when we've decided to hitch hike on our supervisor's hatchback! He drove us to Dover Station from Singapore Polytechnic in a zippy 1 minute ride! (: The ride was pretty cool ! First time sitting in a hatchback! (:
I'll go have my dinner soon ! Laterzz!
Lin Hao at 10:16 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates! Yes the holidays are upon us again! Actually its already 2 weeks into the holidays already! I've been quite busy since the start of the holiday!
Firstly I celebrated 1 year anniversary with my PD girl ! (: We spent a day together at sentosa! We visited Dolphin Lagoon, Underwater World and watched Songs of the sea! It was wonderful ! We dinner at Trapizza Sentosa! We dine beside the sea! Pretty romantic! (:
Secondly I started work not long ago.. I'm working part-time for Acer @ Singapore Polytechnic. I started working from 12th March till 19th March! 7am till 8pm daily! Had to wake up really early as SP is really far away from me!
There's no work today so I went to find PD girl while she's working! (: We had lunch and dinner together! Ok got to turn in soon ! Had to wake up at around 6am tomorrow! Laterz!
Lin Hao at 12:58 AM